We have decided that everyone in our circle of friends and family needs to start vacationing in the Wisconsin Dells. That way we'll have excuses to go back several times a year. Yes - we had that much fun! I think that there will be many many off-season visits to the Dells in our future. The girls are already begging to go back. We purchased one night at the resort and got to spend all that evening as well as the entire next day in the water park. Believe me, it was a great deal for the price of a hotel stay. At the water park the girls started off on the little baby slides, but is wasn't long at all until they were flinging themselves down the largest of the 100 pounds or lighter slides - all by themselves! I was really amazed at their bravery. Even water up the nose didn't stop them. Not for long, anyway.
Here are the pictures from the second day:

The girls are very patiently waiting to go back down to the water park after a good night's sleep. I took the obligatory "this is what they were wearing when last seen" picture. Not that I expect them to get nabbed, but I always take one before we head out somewhere really busy. I always make them smile, too, so that it's a nice picture for posterity.
I also took some touristy pictures while we waited for Rob to load the van...

I love this picture. I can't believe that Maggie is that big!!

Beatrice doesn't look very concerned for her sister's safety! That's a wooden alligator she's sticking her head in.

I love this action shot of Beatrice! She was an absolute daredevil. The first time I took her up to the top to ride the slide she practically vaulted across the "loading" platform and before either I or the lifeguard could grab her, she shot onto the slide - face first and arms out in front. Just like Superman. Or Aquaman. The rules clearly state that riders must be on their bottoms. Beatrice can't read yet...
I apologized to the 15 year old lifeguard and we called it quits for the night and drug the girls back to the room. But we were right back out there at 9 the next morning!

Rob tried to sneak off with just Maggie to ride one of the big slides. Beatrice caught on pretty quickly. Here she is yelling, "MAGGIE!!!"
She got to ride with daddy by herself once, too. Then all three of them rode it. See all of those stairs going up the tower in the background? Rob had to carry Bee up those. Twice. And see that big yellow tube? That's what they rode down.

Mommy and Obie were worn out! We snoozed by the pool while Rob and the girls rode the big ones. Then we all spent a little time in the nice, bubbly hot tub and called it good.
The ride home was a bit rough. Well, for Rob. The rest of us slept the whole way...