Well, Obie turned three on Monday. I know. I can't believe it either. He wanted to have his birthday meal at Chuck E Cheese's with Grandma and Grandpa Supan. We went whole hog! Pizza, official Chuck E wacky straw cup, and lots and lots of tokens with lots and lots of time to spend on spending them.

Obie and his dad enjoyed this speed boating game. You can see that this boy is serious about his job of shooting the booster button.

After food and games, we went home to open presents and have cake and ice cream.

1. I do not want to go home.
2. I do not want to take a picture with my sisters.
3. I do not want to go home.

Robot Birthday Cake
(with Twix bars for easy arms and legs. Clever mama.)

Presents! Obie got some great presents this year: A giant Mario and matching blanket, a bunch of Thomas trains and track, a matching mama kitty and her kitten (that are all his and not stolen from his sister), and a Leapster game system and Thomas game to go with it.
And after the festivities were all over, he got to go spend the night in the "camp car" with Grandma and Grandpa - which is always a big treat, and a great way to end a great birthday.

Happy Third Birthday, Obie!