Santa doesn't come to our house, but we do like to pay homage to St. Nicholas the patron saint of sailors, merchants, and children, and the model for the American Santa Claus. St. Nicholas was a fourth century bishop known for his extreme generosity and kindness to those in need and is said to have performed miracles through prayer. Every year on December 5th children celebrate St. Nicholas Day by leaving their shoes out in hopes that they've been good enough to get treats.
My children are always good enough for treats!
If you're interested, you can learn more about St. Nicholas Day on wikipedia or with a google search.
1 comment:
No santa!?
Santa was a HUGE deal in our house when I was growing up. He is now a relatively small deal in my house, but I still like to have him around. In fact, if I'm honest with myself ... a little piece of me still believes that he exists and does bring presents to kids and families that have nothing. I guess I'm still a child at heart. I can't convince myself that he's completely not real.
Santa only brings one thing for our tree and I gift the rest. And we definitely focus on Christ's birthday AND we talk about how Santa is a symbol of Christ ... wanting people to be good, giving without asking in return, loving each and every child ... its a fair compromise for my house.
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