Last week we went to Hok-Si-La beach to build sand castles as part of the reading program. For some reason it didn't enter my mind to bring towels or swim suits or water or any useful thing that you would normally bring to the beach, except for small shovels and rakes - to make the castles with. We did put on sunscreen, though, and I brought the camera.

Maggie was disappointed that the sand wouldn't pop out of the castle-shaped bucket in a perfect castle shape, so she soon abandoned castle making to gather seaweed. She constructed a T-Rex nest, heart shaped, you know, because a mama T-Rex surely has a tender side.

Beatrice went for the scooping-sand-into-a-mound style of sand castle and then collected trash, ahem,
treasures to decorate it with.

And here's Obie standing next to the one semi-successful attempt to dump the sand out of the bucket in a shape. Beatrice stood next to her castle for pictures, so he wanted to stand next to this one.

And Maggie sat in her nest, so Obie wanted to sit in this castle, too. I said, "no, no, no". But he wanted to sit down anyway.

Can you guess what he's thinking?
I'm thinking that he's looking awfully grown up! Great photos, all. xo
I always love your posts, I don't have one blog on my list better than yours for getting a smile outta me no matter what!
Thanks, Kristie! I never know if anyone is looking!!
And Laura, he's soooo grown up. I know exactly what he's thinking in these pictures and it's not, "goo goo ga ga". It's more like, "I know what mama wants, but I want what I want, too, and I'm in charge of my own bum so I'm gonna sit down, but I feel a little bad about getting my way. So I'm not gonna make eye contact, but I still feel pretty smug." At least this is better than what Beatrice was like at his age. It was her way or no way and the whole world was going to hear about it. Wait. That's still what Beatrice is like...
I love Obie. He's totally adorable.
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