Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday Foto

Here's a picture of the flowers Rob brought me for our anniversary.
(Baby included to show actual size!!)

It's only Obie this week because the girls are at Grandma and Grandpa Supan's house. I've had three days of just me and Obie and it's been pretty great. There's been lots of cuddling, tickling, and nap taking. And I've gotten a little bit of the house cleaned and organized. Most exciting is that my "Yarn Armoire" is now in the house and full of yarn! Hooray for organization!!

We're leaving Frontenac in a couple of hours to pick up the girls and head on down to Carbondale for a week of catching up with family and friends. And of course, TRICK or TREATING!! YAY!!! See you next week for an update.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Maggie Loves Gymnastics!

Margaret also loves going to her gymnastics class. She loves the swinging and tumbling and jumping, but her favorite part just might be that her teacher, Sylvie, has some of her hair dyed pink. She talks about Miss Sylvie all the time. Sylvie is the tall girl here in the video. The other teacher is Sonja and I think they might be sisters. At the beginning of class all the kids stand in line and get put into groups. Maggie's been with Sylvie all four times and I'm worried she'll be heart broken if she gets into someone else's group. (A little part of me thinks that Sylvie secretly picks Maggie's group because she likes Maggie as much as Maggie likes her!! I mean, come on, Maggie's great!)

Mags is best at the vault. You can hear Sonja say, "That's the best one I've seen all day!" after Maggie's third vault. It's awesome. However, she's too timid to let go of her teacher on the high beam. I'm thinking we need to set up a balance beam here in the house so she can get used to the idea. Surely there's room in here somewhere for a high beam, right?? It's a little bit (extremely) cacophonous in the gym, but you can hear Maggie say, "Taa Daa" after almost every thing she does.

The little girl in the half colorful, half black leotard is Anja. She and Maggie are gym friends. They've been in the same group almost every time. In this video Anja was a little wound up. The girl in the purple long sleeved leotard is Hannah. Last week was her first week and she doesn't really seem too interested in the finer points of gymnastics. But she's very enthusiastic! The three of them share crayons while they wait for the 3-year-olds to finish class before them and they stick together. I think it will be interesting to see how they get better over the next few months and I wonder if they'll become friends enough to request play dates. I could certainly use a few play dates now and then!

Beatrice Loves Gymnastics

My girls are enrolled in gymnastics at the local YMCA this fall and they LOVE IT! Here's a video of Beatrice at her last lesson. My favorite part is when she jumps up on the uneven bars and flips her toes right up between her hands. Some of the other kids can barely even swing, let alone monkey around to the point that Bee does. I love to watch her. She vaults, balances, and summersaults with the dauntless abandon of a true three-year-old. I'd take her to gymnastics every single day if they offered it! (I might just have a little vision of Olympic Gold floating around in the back of my head, too!!)

Up next, Maggie!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday Foto

Here is the last Friday Foto for my little baby Obie. His birthday is tomorrow and after that he'll be a big boy.

All I can say is, "Good Grief!!!"

Yup, Pun Intended

Today is the Tenth Anniversary of our wedding! This momentous occasion has been rather overshadowed by Obie's Birthday and also the trip we're taking to Carbondale at the end of the month. We have no plans for a big dinner, no weekend get-away, no over-priced box of chocolates, jewelry, or electronics. It's just like us to be so nonchalant.

However last night as I was knitting I realized that I did have a great gift to give Rob:

After knitting up great things for everyone else for more than half of our marriage, last night on the eve of our decade mark, I finished up his first pair of hand knit socks. Now he's had several socks knit for him over the years, but this is the first pair. That match. And they fit him, I've already made him try one on. He harasses me every time I cast something new on the needles that I've still never knitted him anything other than a boring gray scarf - a very useful and warm, but in no-way-sensational, gray scarf. Now brown socks aren't really that sensational, either, but they take a lot more devotion and skill than a scarf does. Socks are a sign of affection, every knitter knows that. I've knit dozens of pairs for the children, and for the children of our friends, but this is the first pair for my husband. And of course I have a ton of affection, love, and devotion for him!

So, Happy Anniversary, Babe! We make a great pair!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday Movies!

Well, we woke up to snow showers this morning and the kids instantly began bugging me to go outside. So, here's a video of all three of them enjoying the flurries. I apologize in advance for the segment with Obie's really runny nose. Yes, it's gross and snotty, but he's such a cute boy I'm sure you won't even notice!

(PS: Please say a quick prayer that Autumn comes back to Minnesota. My sanity may depend on it!!!)

Friday, October 9, 2009