Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday Foto

Yesterday was way too hot to stick around here in our old house, so we headed out to find some air-conditioned fun.

House of Bounce
Rochester, MN

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Obie's Word of the Day

Obie's word of the day: Red. (I pulled a row of icee-pop popsicles out of the freezer and asked him which one he wanted, just like I ask the girls. He pointed to the red one and said, "red." He is a brilliant 22 month old!)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Obie's Word of the Day

Obie's word of the day: Not me!! (Who forgot to flush the potty?? Not ME!!!)

Friday Foto

Here's my band of happy ragamuffins.

Warm summer days certainly seem to make them filthy. I can't even identify half that dirt. Or the location of Obie's other shoe.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Obie's Word of the Day

Obie's word of the day: Bless You. (Today is a high pollen count day, everyone is telling mama bless you.)

Obie's begun stringing words together in sentences lately. Of note, "C'mon, kitty." He also says Beatrice, Maggie, and Mommy instead of their shortened versions. He adds lots of y's to the end of words. My favorite is "gummy" when he wants a piece of candy.