Friday, January 15, 2010

Junior Gamers

Video Games are a big deal in our house. Before we had kids we wondered how we'd strike a balance with them - wanting our kids to be true gamer nerds and yet not to be totally obsessed and addicted to electronic media. So far, they are right on par with what we're hoping for. They love Mario and Princess Peach, Pikachu and Charzar, Link and Zelda. They have gamer skills which are improving as they get older and more dexterous, and they love to watch as well as play. And yet, you can still have a normal conversation with them about non VG related things. Like lolcats, and Dr. Who, and food, and church, and their friends and family. Sure, they ask about 50 times a day to play the Wii, but if I tell them no, they go find something else to do... or beg to do. And if I tell them they've played for long enough they don't whine about turning the games off. Too much.

And as long as at least one of them is playing Mario, I tend to know where the other two are!


Name Nazi said...

In my entire 31 years (nearly 32!) I have never owned a video gaming machine nor had one in my home.

Unless you count the leapfrog hand held learning thingy. We have that.

branda said...

Gahhhhh!!! Get thee to the Game Stop nearest you, fast!