Thursday, November 12, 2009


We had a get together last Sunday evening at our house. It was a little attempt to start getting some of the couples our age with children together on a regular basis. We met one new family and there was also our pastor and his family and a young couple expecting their first child. It was a very loud evening, 8 adults and 8 kids! After dinner I sat down with Obie, and Carrie, from the family I had just met, sat down with Mia who is 7 months. She mentioned that Bailey, her four year old daughter has started going to twice a week preschool and it's helping with her shyness. (Bailey was upstairs ripping and running with the other girls at this point, which delighted her mom!) I asked her about the school, how many kids were in the class, and if Bailey liked it. She said she did like it and that the ratio of teachers/aids to kids was one to four. I said, "Wow, that's a pretty good ratio. None of the adults should get too overwhelmed."
Then I realized that our previous topic had been that I've been going back and forth on when is a good time to have one more baby. And if I have one more baby, I'll also be at a one to four ratio. Good grief! I'm right on par with the local school system!

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